$1.13 Million
Nursing Staff Makes Errors Without Informing Staff Physician
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Settled | $1.13 Million73-year-old widow who was an active painter, woodworker and hiker was admitted to the hospital for non-emergent left knee arthroplasty. The hospital staff was aware of her prior medical history of coronary artery disease, stent placement, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and congestive heart failure. Three days post-op, she became tachycardic with decreased O₂ levels and pulmonary “crackles.” Nursing staff felt these problems were angina and administered one nitroglycerin tab without informing staff physician of escalating pulmonary and cardiac problems. She was later found to be gray and “cold and clammy to touch.” A code was called. It was determined that she had suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest resulting in “cognitive and functional deficits secondary to anoxic encephalopathy.” The case settled for $1,137,809