Commercial Truck Inspections Postponed to Later this Year

Posted in: Serious Personal Injury | Apr 13,2020

How Many Accidents Are Caused by Semi Trucks? | Top Class ActionsAn annual trucking safety inspection blitzkrieg that is conducted every year will be postponed to later this year on account of hectic trucking schedules during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Commercial truck drivers have been exceedingly busy since the outbreak, ensuring that medical supplies as well as essentials like foods and groceries are shipped to all corners of the country. Trucking activity has sped up to ensure that there are no shortages of essential items across the country in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. In response to this increased pressure on truckers, the federal administration has already relaxed federal trucking safety laws governing Hours of Service, allowing truck drivers to drive for more hours before they take a mandated rest break.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance includes commercial driving safety officials from the United States, Canada and Mexico. The organization conducts an inspection blitzkrieg during a 72-hour period ever year. During this effort, as many as 13,000 trucking safety inspectors pull over commercial trucks and conduct assessments of their safety standards.

Last year, this effort by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance resulted in a total of 67, 072 inspections. More than 12,000 trucking safety problems were uncovered during these inspections, and more than 2,700 driver violations were cited. All drivers and trucks that were found in violation of safety rules were placed out of service till safety problems involving their vehicles were resolved.

This year, the International Roadcheck was scheduled for May 5 to May 7. However, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is postponing its Roadcheck till later this year, in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, and the fact that truckers are running extremely tight schedules. The organization will continue to monitor the progress of the outbreak, and will decide on timings and dates when it would be more feasible to conduct the safety inspections.